Ce satisfactie ai cand iti spune cineva ca esti amuzant si istet, dar tu stii ca esti un mare dobitoc si un plagiator nefericit? Esti sinistru, descreieratule.
A trebuit sa scrii deunazi despre copyrtight… si ai reusit sa imi atragi atentia pana la urma. Mare papagal. Probabil vei mai scrie niste imbecilitati pe blog. Dar nu mai conteaza. Stii ca stim cat esti de prost.
Numai bine! :)
Plagiaz-o p-asta!
Did you ever notice that? How many really stupid people you run into during the day? Goddam there's a lot of stupid bastards walking around. Carry a little pad and pencil with you. You'll wind up with thirty or forty names by the end of the day. Look at it this way: Think of how stupid the average person is and then realize that half of them are stupider than that. And it doesn't take you very long to spot one of them does it? Take you about eight seconds. You'll be listening to some guy...you say..."this guy is fucking stupid!" Then...then there are some people, they're not stupid...they're full of shit. Huh? That doesn't take very long to spot either, does it? Take you about the same amount of time. You'll be listening to some guy..and saying, "well, he's fairly intelligent......ahht, he's full of shit!"